Inglewood Transit Commission – A New Era of Public Engagement – Celtis Ventures

A New Era of Public Engagement and City Unity

Inglewood Transit Commission

Innovative Inglewood branding displayed on billboard


Inglewood, CA, sought to revolutionize its approach to city communications, aiming to foster a stronger connection between the city government and its community, especially before the release of a Draft EIR for a key transit project.


A refreshed city brand and innovative public outreach strategies, including a digital survey with compelling graphics, were implemented. These efforts, in collaboration with Trifiletti Consulting, opened new communication channels and gathered crucial community feedback to guide future city projects.


The strategies led to a 7% response rate to the digital survey, reflecting active community involvement. This influx of community insights has continuously fueled governmental decisions, strengthening the trust and relationship between Inglewood’s local government and its residents, and uniting the City of Champions.

City of Inglewood Instagram displaying I-Word campaign posts
Baseball cap printed with Innovative Inglewood
ITC Planning Booklet

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