LA SkyRail Express – Celtis Ventures

Transforming LA SkyRail’s Online Presence

LA SkyRail Express

LA SkyRail Express website on desktop computer


The LA SkyRail project presented a unique opportunity to revolutionize the way Los Angeles residents perceive and interact with public transportation. However, the potential success of this revolutionary transport system was hindered by a lackluster digital presence and an absence of a cohesive brand identity.


Celtis approached this challenge with a two-pronged strategy: First, by redesigning the LA SkyRail website to make it more intuitive, engaging, and mobile-friendly, focusing on user experience to effectively communicate the benefits of the SkyRail. Second, by developing a new logo and brand identity encapsulated in the “Look Up” campaign, aiming to evoke excitement and anticipation for the future of L.A. transportation.


The website’s transformation resulted in a dynamic, easy-to-navigate platform where users could find detailed information about the SkyRail, fostering an informed and engaged community. The “Look Up” campaign successfully rebranded the LA SkyRail, creating a recognizable and forward-thinking image that resonated with the public and stakeholders alike.

LA SkyRail Express on laptop and phone showing responsive nature of website
LA SkyRail Express comps
Old LA SkyRail Express website

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